Dr. Ruth Roberts, Holistic Veterinarian, The creator of the Holistic Pet health Coaching Certification Program

Holistic Veterinary Care

What Is a Holistic Veterinarian?

Dr. Ruth Roberts, The holistic Pet health coach

What does Holistic mean?

Although holistic veterinary care is growing in popularity, some people may not fully understand what it entails. Holism is a relatively straightforward philosophy that treats the body as a whole. Instead of treating the condition’s symptoms, a holistic physician tries to treat the underlying cause of the condition. In terms of people, a holistic physician treating heartburn would suggest dietary adjustments rather than an antacid.

The patient’s emotional health is just one aspect of everything a holistic practitioner will look at. A holistic veterinarian may recommend a drug as part of the treatment plan, but they are also likely to recommend a general lifestyle change to address persistent problems. Additionally, holistic veterinary medicine can aid pain management while protecting your beloved dogs from costly and dangerous medications.

What is a Holistic Pet Health Coach?

A holistic pet health coach is a person who is trained to help you and your pet through the process of finding the proper holistic care for your pet. They will help you find a holistic vet and help you with nutrition and supplements for your pet. Yes, holistic medicine is safe. Holistic medicine is safe because it works with the body, not against it.

How to become a Holistic Pet Health Coach?

This one-of-a-kind certification experience offered by Dr. Ruth Roberts is the only certification program for coaching pet parents of dogs and cats using the Dr. Ruth Roberts Integrative Method combining lifestyle changes, supplements, at-home testing, pain relief treatments, and The Original CrockPet Diet, the safest, sustainable, and most adaptable nutrition program for dogs and cats.

Now is your opportunity to be part of a revolution in pet health. Helping others learn how to make the lifestyle changes their pets desperately need, using protocols, education, and information that’s proven to bring massive change to our pet’s quality of life — and pet owner’s quality of life.

Testimony of the Enrollees

Are you with us? Are you ready to join the revolution? APPLY NOW!

How do I find a Holistic Veterinarian?

If you are looking for a holistic veterinarian, there are several ways to find one. You can start by searching online and reading reviews of local vets who practice a more natural approach to medicine. Alternatively, ask your regular vet if they would be willing to refer you somewhere else in the area that might be able to help your dog more effectively. If something other than these methods works, try researching and determine if any holistic veterinarians fit this profile near your home or work.

Once you have located some potential candidates who may be able to help your dog, make sure they have what it takes before putting them in charge of treating him with alternative remedies. The most important thing is finding someone specifically trained in using natural therapies such as herbal supplements and homeopathic solutions. These treatments can often involve giving medications orally rather than injecting them into muscle tissue like traditional medicines do (which is why many pets hate going to the vet!).

Additionally, at least one person within each clinic must understand how these medications work. So they can explain everything clearly during treatment sessions, so owners don’t get confused trying to figure out what exactly needs changing based on vague explanations given over phone calls instead (this happens frequently).

How to become a Holistic Veterinarian?

Becoming a holistic vet is a process. More than a traditional veterinary degree is required to be able to practice holistic medicine, so you must take additional classes and obtain certification. There are many ways to become a holistic veterinarian, but one of the most popular routes is through online schools. Before applying for any program, ensure it meets your state’s requirements for licensure. The following are some essential things to consider when choosing an online school:

  • How long does it take? Most programs last about two years, though some programs can be completed in less time if you already have previous experience working with animals as part of your job or another career path (like being in the military).
  • Are there opportunities for hands-on training? Many programs offer hands-on internships where students work alongside licensed veterinarians at local animal hospitals or shelters for several weeks each semester. This can help build rapport between instructors and students. To give students real-world experience with common problems faced by practicing vets who use natural remedies instead of drugs like antibiotics all day, every day, too often, without even thinking twice about it.

Is Holistic medicine safe for my sick dog?

Holistic medicine is safe for your dog. Holistic medicine is a holistic approach to healing and wellness. It can help treat many conditions in dogs, including cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and allergies. The best way to get started with holistic care is through diet change, followed by supplementation if needed (once you know what supplements your pet needs). This allows you to see the results of using natural products before jumping into other more invasive treatments like acupuncture or homeopathy.

Holistic Total Body Support for Cats and Dogs is an all-natural, glandular-based multivitamin designed around what a pet’s natural diet should be.

Learn More about HTBS

There are 150 servings per jar. At one serving per day for cats and one serving per day per 20 pounds of body weight for dogs, Holistic Total Body Support will help you keep your pet healthy at about $ 1 per day for a 50-pound dog.

What is the difference of a Holistic Vet to a Conventional Vet?

Dr. Ruth Roberts, The holistic Pet health coach

A holistic veterinarian is a vet who uses alternative treatments such as homeopathy, acupuncture, and chiropractic to treat animals. Holistic vets believe that all things are connected in nature—so they want to treat their animal’s entire body rather than just the one symptom (for example, just treating your pet for fleas instead of working on getting rid of all the flea eggs). This includes not only physical symptoms but also emotional and spiritual ones.

One thing that sets holistic vets apart from conventional vets is that they have different philosophies about what causes illness or disease in animals. Conventional vets believe that most conditions come from germs or other outside sources (like viruses). At the same time, holistic veterinarians think these germs are present but aren’t always enough to cause an illness or disease. There are other factors involved which contribute to it as well (such as stress).

Dr. Ruth Roberts DVM, CVA

Dr. Ruth Roberts Holistiv Vet

Dr. Ruth Roberts is The Original Pet Health Coach, and has supported thousands of dogs and cats to overcome health hurdles like kidney disease, GI Illness, allergies and cancer. Her natural approach to healing creates a gentle yet effective path for your pet to take on their journey to wellbeing. Dr. Ruth created The Original CrockPet Diet, a balanced home cooked diet for pets, as the foundation of health. Dr. Ruth is now training passionate pet parents, and pet professionals to be Certified Holistic Pet Health Coaches so that more pets can be helped holistically.