Holistic Wellness Packages

senior pet care
Woman with her dog inside of her house.

Holistic Pet Health Coaching

Lifestyle and Nutrition Consultation with Dr. Ruth

Dr. Ruth Roberts, Your Pets AllyIf you love your pets like I love mine, you want the very best and safest way to treat and prevent disease in your four-legged family members.

If your pet has been sick, or has a terrible diagnosis, I bet you’ve been scouring the internet for information on your pet’s health issue. Your search has no doubt left you feeling overwhelmed.

Your pet doesn’t seem the same, but you can’t figure out why, and your local veterinarian offers few options. You’re confused, and your pet still isn’t getting better.

The foremost message I get from many of my clients is that they are frustrated with the options that are offered. They feel like they are only offered ‘Plan A,’ and if they are unable to pay for ‘Plan A’ (or unwilling to allow it, due to side effects or other concerns) – there just is not a ‘Plan B’ available.

A Holistic Health Map for Your Pet

D. rRuth Roberts And CatWhat is a Health Map?

For people, this idea has been around for a long time, not so for pets.

We recognize in humans that a “diet” doesn’t solve health issues permanently.

Changing lifestyle does.

Making a commitment to a new way of life brings the type of change that is needed to preserve or restore health; nurturing your pet’s body, mind and spirit.

Most importantly, as the pet parent, YOU are the captain of your pet’s team; working directly with me, and your local veterinarian.

I have made it my life’s work to provide people with information to help guide their healthcare choices for their pets. I strive to prevent disease by controlling inflammation, optimizing internal organ function, and minimizing exposure to environmental toxins and the like. With each choice we make, we take ourselves down a path. As we get far enough along a particular path, the outcome may seem inevitable. While some outcomes are inevitable, we can make the journey less painful. There is hope in almost every situation, but it requires change.

Every pet has different needs, and complexity of health concerns vary. I’ve created three different consultation packages, so I can serve you and your pet most efficiently.