lyme disease in animals | Dr. Ruth Roberts

10 Signs Your Pet Has Lyme Disease

10 Signs Your Pet Has Lyme Disease What is Lyme disease? Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and, in rare cases, Borrelia

Comforting a sick dog | Dr. Ruth Roberts

How Do You Comfort Your Sick Dog?

How do you comfort your sick or dying dog? Your dog is cherished by the entire family. Even though it is never comfortable to consider

Where To Find Adoptable Pets Online?

Where To Find Adoptable Pets Online? I am the Original Holistic Pet Health Coach, and am now training passionate pet parents, and pet professionals to

cat brushing teeth | cat dental care

Tips for Kitty Dental Care at Home

Tips for Kitty Dental Care at Home Establishing a good dental care routine for your cat at a young age is critical for their long-term

Chronic Ear Infections in Dogs Chronic ear infections, also known as Chronic Otitis Externa, are a frustrating ordeal for both dogs and their owners. Unlike occasional ear infections that can …