How to Care For Your Dog's Eyes

Your dog’s eye care may not be on top of your mind as a pet parent. There are vet checks, immunizations, and preventative treatments to consider, after all.

You’re not the only one who has itchy eyes; dogs can also get itchy eyes, whether from pollen or tear duct problems. So, when caring for your dog’s eyes don’t forget dog eye wash

Some dogs or breeds are more prone to eye problems than others, but whether your dog’s issues are regular or infrequent, dog eye care should always be part of your at-home dog care regimen.

How do you provide dog eye care?

Taking care of your dog’s eyes, on the other hand, is a crucial component of caring for your beloved pet. It’s also a necessary aspect of being a conscientious pet owner!

A dog’s eyes can be irritated by various factors, including dirt and dust, as well as more severe conditions such as dry eye, cataracts, and glaucoma, which means that proper dog eye care is essential.

Dogs can develop various eye problems, including conjunctivitis, glaucoma, cataracts, and dry eye, to name a few. So learning how to treat dog eye infections at home can be very helpful.

The earlier dog eye health issues are detected and treated, just like in humans, the better. Allowing a canine eye condition to go untreated can lead to more severe problems. Dog eye care is a must. 

Of course, pet parents aren’t expected to diagnose an eye illness, but knowing the indicators of a canine eye problem can be helpful. And remember. eye disease and injury can go from bad to horrible in a matter of hours. If your pet has a new eye condition, it is always best to get it checked out by your vet. There are dog eye infection treatments that are readily available from your vet for treating dog eye infections at home

The following are some common symptoms that things aren’t quite right:

  • redness 
  • tearing 
  • yellow or green discharge 
  • frequent blinking or squinting
  • Cloudiness Indicates a loss of eyesight, as seen by slamming into things, poor balance, or bewilderment.
  • sensitivity to light

Not only dog eye care products are suggested to take care of your dog’s eye health. There are also recommended supplements that can help us avoid getting eye infections. 

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How do I get rid of my dog’s eye discharge?

In dogs, eye discharge is a common condition. Some varieties are perfectly benign, while others have been linked to significant health issues.

To analyze your dog’s eye care and figure out whether your dog has to go to the doctor, you’ll need to know the many forms of dog eye discharge and what each one means.

A Little Goop or Crust

Tears are necessary for sustaining eye health. They help remove debris from the eye’s surface and deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cornea (the transparent layer of tissue at the front of the eye).

A warm, wet cloth should quickly remove the goop or crust. Your dog’s eyes should not be reddish, and there should be no evidence of eye discomfort (rubbing, squinting, blinking, and light sensitivity).

Make an appointment with your veterinarian if you observe an increase in your dog’s eye goop or other concerning symptoms, as there may be dog eye infection products, drops, or eye washes that may help.

High-dose Omega 3 Fatty acids can be very helpful for dogs with dry eyes or KCS.

Watery Eyes

Excessive eye watering (epiphora) is linked to various illnesses, ranging from very innocuous to life-threatening. The following are some of the most common reasons for watery eyes in dogs:

  • Allergies
  • Irritants
  • In the eyes, foreign substance
  • Anomalies of the anatomy (e.g., prominent eyes or rolled-in eyelids),
  • Tear ducts that are clogged
  • Corneal abrasions
  • Glaucoma is a disease that affects the eyes (increased eye pressure)

If your dog’s tears have increased slightly, but his eyes are normal in all other ways, and he doesn’t appear to be in any pain, it’s appropriate to keep an eye on the problem for a day or two. It’s probably nothing to worry about, but proper dog eye care is important to consider. 

Reddish-Brown Tear Stains

A reddish-brown darkening of the fur near the inner corner of the eyes is common in light-colored dogs. Tears include a pigment called porphyrin, which turns reddish-brown when exposed to air for an extended period.

Tear stains in this area are typical and only a cosmetic concern if there are no other issues. Try one or more of the following remedies to reduce your dog’s tear stains:

Wipe the area with a cloth wet with warm water or an eye-cleaning product prepared specifically for dogs a few times a day.

Please keep your dog’s fur around his eyes cut short.

Tear staining can be an indication of allergies, Try a Quercetin and Stinging Nettles Supplement to reduce allergy symptoms 

White-Gray Mucus

Dry eye (keratoconjunctivitis sicca, or KCS) is a disorder that occurs when the immune system of a dog attacks and kills the tear glands.

The body tries to compensate for the lack of tears by producing extra mucus to moisten the eyes. However, because mucus cannot perform all of the tears, the eyes become red and irritated, and ulcers and aberrant corneal pigmentation may occur.

If left untreated, KCS can cause severe pain and blindness.

Make an appointment with your veterinarian if you observe white-gray mucous forming around your dog’s eyes. They can use a simple test called the “Schirmer Tear Test” to distinguish KCS from other disorders that are linked to it. This may be a situation where dog eye infection treatment or dog eye wash is warranted. 

Yellow or Green Eye Discharge

A dog with yellow or green discharge from his eyes is likely to have an eye infection, especially if redness and discomfort are also present.

Eye infections can occur due to another ailment (wounds, dry eye, etc.) that compromises the eye’s natural defenses against disease.

What appears to be an eye infection in some dogs is a sign of a systemic sickness or a condition affecting the respiratory tract, neurological system, or other body components.

What is a good dog eye wash?

Dog eye infections are severe and require prompt attention from a veterinarian, so make an appointment with yours if you notice any chronic eye problems. It’s ideal to have a regular dog grooming practice that involves cleaning and cutting hair, which affects your dog’s eye care as well as their overall health when it comes to infection prevention.

Dog eye wash is a terrific addition to your at-home grooming equipment and can be how to treat dog eye infection at home. Still, you may want to keep some treats on hand because usually, dog eye infection drops and gentle scrubbing around the eyes might be a little uncomfortable at first.


dog eyes

Here are some excellent dog eye care products I recommend to care for your dog’s eye infection:

Ark Naturals Eyes So Bright Cleanser

This herbal dog eye wash can be used regularly to gently clean sore or crusty eyes with a natural mix containing echinacea, aloe, and goldenseal.

Nutri-Vet Dog Dog Eye Rinse

This dog eye wash solution contains boric acid, which is commonly used to treat irritated eyes in humans. The wash not only removes impurities and irritations but also helps to remove tear stains with continuous usage and improves dog eye care.

Miracle Care Sterile Dog Eye Wash Pads

Dog eye wash pads are sometimes the most practical and quick way to get near your dog’s eyes. With a swipe of each pre-soaked pad, gently wipe away dirt and infection-causing microorganisms.

Ordinary Eye Wash 

Human eye drops, such as artificial tear drops, may be okay to use on dogs, but always check with your veterinarian first.

(Sterile Buffered Saline) is safe to use in a dog’s eye to clean it, but it won’t assist if the eyes are inflamed or painful. If you have red, itchy eyes, consult a veterinarian right away. Artificial tear drops or ointments are generally safe and may be soothing for some dry eye diseases, but see a veterinarian before using them because they can be dangerous in some circumstances. Always consult a veterinarian about how to treat dog eye infections at home. 

Similasan  Homeopathic eye drops

are designed to reduce irritation and symptoms. Use Similasan Homeopathic drops if conjunctivitis is present, to flush out the eye and soothe. Put the cone on to prevent your pet from irritating it further

Should I clean my dog’s eye boogers?

To get rid of your dog’s eye boogers, don’t use your fingers.

Take care! It’s a delicate situation. If the filth isn’t too bad, start with a clean, moist towel instead of your bare fingers. Cotton balls and other things that may shed material into the eye should be avoided.

If you’re not sure what’s causing your dog’s unusually runny eyes, get advice from your veterinarian to learn more about dog eye care.

How can I clean my dog’s eyes naturally?

Owners of tear-staining dogs nearly often reach a point where they’ve tried everything, and nothing helps. Tear stains are difficult to remove and take time. It needs the right things, moreover, to get it right.

Here are a few things on how to treat dog eye infection at home:

  • Trim Facial Hair

Because of their small size, toy dogs and other small breeds are prone to tear stains. Terriers, like many other breeds, have long hair around their eyes and jaws. If not properly groomed, that hair can irritate the eyes and cause excessive tears, resulting in discoloration.

Allow a professional groomer to take care of your dog’s eye fur, and beard. If you must groom your pet, place a guard on clippers and never use scissors; too many mishaps can occur.

  •  Remove stains

To remove tear stains from your dog’s eyes, start by cleaning them well. It’s a good idea to take your dog to a canine spa or bathing station for professional deep cleaning before you start a daily routine.

You’ll have to start from scratch, especially if you’ve already attempted to erase your dog’s tear stains with whiteners. It’s best to invest the extra money so that your dog’s fur is as clean as possible before you start the removal process, especially around the problematic regions.

  • Consult Your Vet

It’s time to send your dog to the vet if your dog’s eye infection treatment doesn’t work or if they appear to be in discomfort or are constantly irritated. The condition could be caused by a yeast infection or an eye infection. If the problem seems to lead to a more profound medical concern, you should seek treatment from your veterinarian.

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Dr. Ruth Roberts DVM, CVA

Dr. Ruth Roberts Holistiv Vet

Dr. Ruth Roberts is The Original Pet Health Coach, and has supported thousands of dogs and cats to overcome health hurdles like kidney disease, GI Illness, allergies and cancer. Her natural approach to healing creates a gentle yet effective path for your pet to take on their journey to wellbeing. Dr. Ruth created The Original CrockPet Diet, a balanced home cooked diet for pets, as the foundation of health. Dr. Ruth is now training passionate pet parents, and pet professionals to be Certified Holistic Pet Health Coaches so that more pets can be helped holistically.