iPet’s Ally Weekly Q&A Round-up 6-08-20: What is the best product for Heartworm prevention other than Sentinel?


                         iPets Ally Q&A Round-up 06-08-20

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            Hello I’m Dr. Ruth Roberts, your pet’s ally. I hope you all are well and thanks for keeping your questions coming.

What is the keto version of the lamb recipe and how it is prepared?

Unfortunately, the keto version of the lamb recipe that we have been asked about is incorrect. Like many things, that was supposed to be handled and replaced but unfortunately it never has been. So, with the keto version, for the lamb you will want to use 3.25 pounds per batch. We don’t have a regular lamb recipe but what you can use with beans is 3 pounds of lamb. Now, lamb is fattier so I would suggest that you drop the oil that you add by 1 tablespoon so instead of the regular 6 tablespoons per batch, I would drop it down to 5. I do hope that is helpful.

What is the best product for Heartworm prevention other than Sentinel?

For Heartworm prevention, I do recommend Heartgard. Using Sentinel with the dose of 51 to 100 pounds and down to about 56 pounds, what I would suggest is to use the appropriate dose because unfortunately, there just isn’t a product that has better dosing so ½ tablet will not be quite sufficient.You cango ahead and let your pet use up all the Sentinel that you’ve got leftbut switch to a plain Heartgard tablet or chew which I think would be the best. There are some associated issues with Sentinel such as it causing autoimmune disease with the combination of Lufenuron and Miliband Myosin.

Now, if you all are having trouble in getting your veterinarian to write you a prescription, they cannot do that by law. They do need to write you a prescription for your product. They won’t necessarily approve that by fax and they may make you come pick up a written prescription but generally all state boards are requiring veterinarians to issue a requested written prescription so be a little persistent about that.

What is the best product to be used for head tilting in a dog diagnosed with vestibular disease? And what are the other products that would help in controlling inflammation?

If your pet just got diagnosed with vestibular disease, disorientation is ensued and the dog experiences loss of balance. However, if it recovered really well except for the head tilt, CBD may be helpful because there is some autoimmune component to this.Once they’ve had that episode over with, sometimes it’ll come and go just like it does for us. Interestingly enough should that happen again, Meclizine is the generic name for an anti – nausea medication that’s sold over the counter as Bonine and sold in 25 milligram tablets. And if you cannot get to the veterinarian in time or you’ve dealt with this in the past, that’s one of the best things to do in the short – term to get one of those episodes over with.

Many veterinarians say that you should just 86 it once the symptoms are better but I found that many of my patients did well with this over a long period of time.Although it gets better and they’re not staggering, it does seem to help kind of keep things under control. What I would suggest you to do is to try a quarter of a tablet so that’ll be 6 and a quarter milligram twice daily and see if it helps with the head tilt.

 Now, that’s not necessarily holistic but CBD may be helpful.Then again, there are other things that are going to help control inflammation. This is where turmeric would be a really good option, the other thing you could look at would be fish oil probiotics. Turmeric is available in a multitude of forms, there is Gyros brand that we carry for smallerand then for larger dogs, especially if we’re dealing with a chronic inflammatory condition, that’s where the Gaia brand can be really helpful.

What are the adjustments and the possible substitutes to the recipe if I resort to grain – free diet?

Grain – free  is going to be a myriad of things to a myriad of people and in most of the conventional diets, it simply means substituting the carbohydrate source which often can be things like rice, corn, things of that nature for potatoes or beans or peas as a starch and so again for most conventional foods, that carbohydrate quantity is going to be in the neighborhood of around 65% to 70% of the diet.What you would want to do for that 2 cups of rice is to substitute in 2 cups of potatoes cooked or sweet potatoes or another bean if you want to go with carbohydrate version. However, in my opinion, what I would do instead is add in more fat in place of beans because again beans contain Lectin which are antinutrients which is considered to be what created the issue with dilated cardiomyopathy.

The other way is to substitute in more fat so 1 cup of cooked rice is about 240 calories. Conveniently, a tablespoon of olive oil, coconut oil, things of that nature is about a hundred and 20 calories. If you’re going to take all of the rice out because you think that your pup is sensitive to it then you would add 4 additional tablespoons of oil. If you want to go grain – free because of a suspected food sensitivity, what I would suggest is to take out the things that you suspect to be a problem and see if things get better or not. It will take about 2 to 3 weeks for the problem to improve.For an instance, let’s say you’re concerned about rice creating an issue, what I would do to test it at the end of no rice after 3 weeks is add 1 to 2 teaspoons to tablespoons of rice per meal for 2 days depending on the size of your pet obviously.What’s that designed to do is to calm down the immune system but it’s still pretty sensitized to rice if it truly is reacting to it and so you should see a fairly pronounced effect. It truly is the best way to know what’s going on because the food sensitivity test sometimes works and sometimes, they don’t work. So, I hope that is helpful.

However, if the case is that your dog was on grain free and it did react to Turkey, try to figure see what are the ingredients and then emulate that with what you’re doing with crockPET. If it was a Turkey then, and now he’s reacting with Turkey then what that tells me is his gut is really sensitized.Using the template, build 3 different batches of food with one protein, one fat, one brassica, one other veggie. I would try rotating carrots, butternut squash, and then acorn squash or something of that nature and I would take the beans out because that’s one of the more common things to create reactions. Unfortunately, you’ve got to kind of feel your way through it if what he was before is creating problems now so I hope that helps.

Thank you so much for all of your purchases of Holistic Body Support and your subscription to Ipet’s Ally that really has been wonderful and it’s been helping me make this business more sustainable. That’s what I’ve got for you this weekwe will see you next week. Keep the questions coming, whether through here on Facebook or email them to Hanna and we’ll get them answered for you. Many thanks and take good care.