iPet’s Ally Weekly Q&A Round-up 12-15-21: What is the starting dosage for Omega – 3 fatty acids in skin itch?

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1. Spirit’s stool update:

Mae is still having some issues with Spirit’s stools. I think your problem may be pumpkin

because it looks like everything is good through the bison until you hit pumpkin and then the

next day it’s loose. It’s looking like that fiber may be a problem. What I suggest that you do is to

try taking the pumpkin out of the mix. See if it’s getting better or not getting better because that’s

kind of that one pattern I can see. I would do that first and then see if the stools stay well –

formed throughout the week regardless of what protein you’re using whether that’s salmon or

whether that is bison. Alternate your pumpkin and chia and see how that goes.

The other thing you could consider, which I think did not work was flaxseed so that’s

another one you could look at. You could also look at psyllium husks and you can buy those by

themselves now you don’t have to buy Metamucil anymore so check that out and see if that

makes sense. The first experiment is to pull the pumpkin, alternate the beans and chia to make

sure things are working well. If that’s working, then great. Give it 3 to 4 days for everything to

smooth out and if everything is beautiful, then you can try alternative fiber sources like the

psyllium and flaxseed.

2. Rodney Habib: Australin dogs live longer than American dogs

With Rodney Habib’s article, I think there’s a couple of things that is really interesting

here; one is that Australian dog seemed to be a lot longer lived than American dogs and that is

the truth. The thing that’s fascinating is that when Hills went to Australia to introduce their

prescription diet, they had to go back 5 years later to teach veterinarians how to treat all these

chronic diseases they’ve never seen. What’s very interesting is that owner said that Chilla died

mainly boiled leftovers such as potato peels, cabbage ins, and eggshells with a soup bone tossed

in for flavorings.

The other thing that’s interesting to me is that if you have read Juliet Barclay Levy’s

book about natural rearing for dogs; a lot of raw diet people point back to her but in fact, a lot of

what she was suggesting were soups, leftover milks, and things of that nature. She didn’t say raw

meaty bones but what she did say is a lot of meat and so this is maybe part of our issues that we

go to such extremes with pet food. They tend to focus on fresh food there although in the diet,

it’s pretty English – potatoes and cabbage.

3. Juliet Barclay Levy’s Natural Dog Rearing:

I think in the United States we suffer from orthorexia – people are making themselves

sick, by only eating only vegan, only vegetarian, only this, only that because they think it’s the

way to save the world or they think it’s the right thing to do and they’re doing it really extra

hard. I think that there’s a lot that will need to change in the world coming forward to help

protect the environment.

Also, I think that if people understood what she was actually recommending, then they

would be a little bit horrified. The diet she recommended is whole grains softened with raw milk,

buttermilk, or vegetable juice. The mid – day meal is a lot of grains, and for the night meal a lot

of chunked meat and bones with a small amount of fat, but this is at a very high carbohydrate

we’re 65% to 70%. She doesn’t specify the meat but essentially in the book, what she said is

very small amounts just enough to keep your dog’s weight at a good place. This is a very

different approach and I think that many of the people that are proponents of raw feeding will be

horrified and say that this is not appropriate.

4. What is the starting dosage for Omega – 3 fatty acids in skin itch?

For the Omega – 3 fatty acids, the starting dose is 50 milligrams per kilogram roughly

100 milligrams per pound body weight and it goes all the way up to 150 milligrams per kilogram

or 300 milligrams per pound of Omega – 3 fatty acids for arthritis. I think for skin, the dose is

somewhere around 67 or 70 milligrams per keg, so doubling that you’ll have 140 milligrams per

pound. As far as the itchiness goes, you could use quercetin by itself, and you would use

somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 milligrams per 25 pounds as a starting dose. For some of

the larger pets or for the really super itchy pets, you may go as high as 400 to 600 milligrams

every four times a day, which is roughly every 6 hours.

The other option is to use quercetin and stinging nettles. The Hista – Paws, it’s 200

milligrams of quercetin plus 200 milligrams of stinging nettles per capsule and so that same base

of 200 milligrams of quercetin per 25 pounds and then titrating your way up depending on the

severity of the itchiness is in your pet, that’s where you would want to start your roll from. The

only downside of quercetin that I have ever seen is that it can cause some stomach upset.

I think that really is all I’ve got for you today. We’ve got some great sales coming up,

we’ve got free shipping all the way through December, and for any purchase of over a hundred

dollars we’ll give a free bottle of turmeric and curcumin. Additionally, I think that our previous

company actually found a hundred bottles of Holistic Total Body Support. Hopefully, that will

help us out for a bit. So, that’s what I’ve got for you today. I hope that everyone has a wonderful

week. I will see you next week at the same bat time and the same bat channel, and we’ll go from

there. Until then, give everybody a big hug and a kiss. Have a wonderful time. I’m Dr. Ruth

Roberts, your pet’s ally.