iPet’s Ally Weekly Q&A Round-up 10-12-20: What is the difference between CBDA and CBD oil?

iPets Ally Q&A Round-up 10/12/20

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Hello! I’m Dr. Ruth Roberts, your pets ally. I hope you are well and everybody is having a lovely day. I’m back down in sunny Mexico, and it is hot here but that’s the way it’s supposed to be right? Although it’s a little bit hotter than it should be.


1. When including leafy greens in the diet, what is one of the best things to do?
Certainly, if you got a big harvest salad milk, you can add it to the CrockPet recipe. Now, again, with leafy greens, if you’re going to use say 4 cups of veggies, you would want to use 8 cups of salad and maybe just split this up into a couple of batches for it to work beautifully for your pups.

2. What is the difference between CBDA and CBD oil?
I’m still not quite sure how much more effective CBDA is going to be than plain CBD. But CBDA is the precursor to CBD itself, so it may simply be that it gets in more. As far as pain level goes, if you’re not using curcumin, I would definitely use CBD. There are also several Chinese herbals formulas that focus on myrrh and frankincense that tend to relieve pain. There’s a great one from ITM and if that’s something you’re interested in we can order it for you and ship it down to you. You could also use really big doses of fish oil but this is where you would want to use the higher end of the dose which is about 100 milligrams per kilogram. 

3. What is the best thing to do if your pet is continuing to have diarrhea?
Assuming that your pet is still on kibble and you’re just not in a position to be able to start cooking, what I would do is use the kibble. Use the boiled rice, chicken, or something of that nature. But if you’re saying that chicken is not doing your pet kindness, just do something really simple until the G.I issues settled down. Your pet can have boiled rice, boiled hamburger, boiled chicken something like that. And then with the kibble, try mixing in veggies. Get some frozen veggies like Normandy blend and just boil them, put that in with the food, and kind of mush it all up and see if that helps improve it.
4. What are the symptoms of laryngeal paralysis esophagus tracheal issues?
Suppose your pup has laryngeal paralysis esophagus tracheal issues, so some of the things you would notice are an occasional cough, barking forcefully and no noise when starting to bark.
Now, does feeding dehydrated trachea, raw turkey necks, or that kind of thing helps? Yes, those can be helpful. I would go more with the tracheas themselves because it’s the cartilage that may be helpful. Interestingly, this disease is actually an autoimmune disease, so what I would do is focus on things like high doses of Omega – 3 fatty acids. I would also consider trying all cooked and see if that helps or doesn’t help. Sometimes as these guys age, they do better with sort of pre-digested food.