iPet’s Ally Weekly Q&A Round-up 12-14-20: Why is it a good thing if a supplement does not have a prebiotic in it?

iPets Ally Q&A Round-up 12-14-20

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Hey there! I’m Dr. Ruth Roberts, your pet’s ally. I hope you all are having a great week so far. Hopefully, the internet gods will continue to shine on us. So, we’ve got lot of questions this week. Let me pop over to the group and we’ll get going.

1. What is FidoSpore and what is its dosing?

FidoSpore is the first probiotic supplement clinically shown to support digestive health and reduce leaky guts in dogs. I really have been very pleased with this probiotic, so I would encourage you to use it for everybody. For dogs that are apparently healthy, what I would suggest is using it daily for 2 weeks to help load them and then using it 1 to 3 times a week depending if sort of things isn’t working as well as you would like.

I have to say, this has been fabulous. Hiyo had some real gut issues with soft “mucusy” stools and things of that nature, but that really stopped and we’re down to dosing it twice a week. I continue with that dose because I think that’s also helping her anxiety level so I hope that makes sense. But if you haven’t looked at FidoSpore, check it out. I’ve been super happy with it and very impressed with the results. The other bonus is that they do not have a prebiotic in there which helps.

2. What curcumin supplements are offered in your shop?

We’ve got a couple of changes coming up; One is that we’ve got a curcumin supplement that will hopefully come in within the next week or so. That’s what I’m really excited about because it’s appropriate as far as it’s got coconut oil, BioPerine, and then it does have some bacon flavor which will help get it down. There’s also a Jarrow product and a Gaia product.

The reason you don’t see it in the shop any longer is that we’re transitioning to just a few hand–picked supplements and then we’re going to give everybody access to something called full script. It is an online pharmacy for supplements where you will be able to go and sort of order what you would like. Check that out. If you need some direction, just message Hanna at drruthroberts@drruthroberts.com she can help you out with that and get you the full script credentials.

3. Is the saliva discoloration due to the urine pH being high or the presence of yeast?

Suppose your pup has some saliva discoloration around its lips, in between the toes, and the toe pads are kind of dry. So, you might wonder if it is because of the urine pH being too high or the presence of yeast.

Probably, not related to pH but more to microbial imbalance and also just sort of not processing the waste products well. The red staining is actually porphyrin which is a breakdown product of the red cell. Usually, this means that there’s some process going on that is not working well and often it is dysbiosis in the gut. So, if you’re not using a probiotic, that’s where I would start. Sometimes also we will see this as sort of the beginning of allergies but if his paws are not itchy, then chances are good it’s more related to dysbiosis.

4. Why is it a good thing if a supplement does not have a prebiotic in it?

The reason why I said it was good if a supplement did not have a prebiotic in it is that, for a lot of people and pets, they just don’t deal with prebiotics very well which means that if your pet does tolerate them well, you can add them back in. The upside is that if your pet does not tolerate the prebiotics as far as it creates more gas, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, burping, things of that nature, then it’s not in there. I think that’s part of why this product has been a smoother ride for a lot of pets.

5. What are the possible thing/s you can do to help treat your pup’s urinary tract issues?

Suppose your dog had urinary tract issues, and you went to the vet and there were lots of crystals in the urine. You might want to put your dog on a prescription diet and then also give convenience which is an antibiotic. And I’m not sure if there was an infection present or not, but I think a lot of that is just sort of a default.

What you really need to do is adjust the pH and assuming in this situation, the pH was too low – 6 and a half, so we’re going to add a little bit of baking soda to each meal that way we will be able to get the urine pH up which will prevent the crystals form forming in the bladder and then the other thing is to continue to use lots of water in each meal to help flush the bladder out.


6. What is lymphangiectasia and what are the things to consider?

Lymphangiectasia is a gut disease where they just don’t absorb things really well and fat really balls things up. And then suppose that your pup is on Lantana Cross twice a day but it’s constricting his pupil and reducing his eyesight, that’s where what the prescription drug merino which is a THC product came in for people because it controlled the pressure in the eye very well.

Now, this again, is not something that’s relatively new and experimental for dogs so I don’t know enough to tell you how well that would or would not work, but I would talk with your veterinarian about what’s going on and let her know that it’s constricting the pupil. It may simply be that the dose needs to be a smidge smaller.

That’s what I’ve got for you all this week. Again, we’ve got some really awesome stuff coming up if we can just get down to the bottom of it. Thank you again for your patience with our website. We will see you next week, and give everybody a big hug for me. Thanks!

Links Mentioned:

• Fidospore: https://shop.drruthroberts.com/products/fidospore

• CBD dog health: ​https://bit.ly/33gBgLB