iPet’s Ally Weekly Q&A Round-up 11-16-20: What could be the reason behind my pup’s stomach gurgling?

iPets Ally Q&A Round-up 11-16-20

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Hey! I’m Dr. Ruth Roberts, your pet’s ally. I hope all is well for everyone. And we have lots of great questions today, so I’m going to just pop right over to the Facebook group.

1. What can I do to help treat my pup’s irritated eyes?

The deal is that eyes can go from not very good to really awful in a hurry. Suppose your pup irritated his eyes and has some scabbed-up spots to it, what I would suggest doing is to put a cone on your pup, flush the eye out, use a warm compress to kind of clean it up a little bit and if your pup’s continuing to pawn pot its face, I would go get him checked immediately. This is where you may be able to use saline solution to keep flushing the eye. And if you’ve got those eyedrops from Similasan, that can help kind of calm down the irritation as well. I think you can get those at Walgreen or CBS or most of the chain drugstore. But if the eye itself looks irritated – it’s really red around the whites of the eye, you definitely need to go sooner than later.

2. What could be the reason behind my pup’s stomach gurgling?

Assuming that your pup is having some issues with stomach gurgling when the belly band is on. There’s a couple of things that could go be going on; One is if he’s standing up to urinate and then he’s got this on, what may be happening is it is kind of pushing the guts up towards the chest if you will so as he urinates which creates space in the bladder and stuff can move down. The other thing is if he’s not up and moving much at all, then simply getting up and taking a few steps are going to be enough to kind of help his gut feel a little bit better. I hope that makes sense.


3. How harmful are ticks?

For ticks, dry blood comes off when a an attached but not engorged tick is removed from where it was attached. You know, ticks can blow up and then disgorge if you will and then look like they were sort of normal ticks. The thing is, if you are in a high-risk area for Lyme disease, that’s where you might want to consider talking with your veterinarian about either homeopathic remedy for Lyme or even giving a single high dose of doxycycline. They are really kind of freaky creatures and if our pets have really thick hair, it’s hard to see that they’re attached and engorged sometimes.

4. What should be done when your pup is having soft stool with mucus?

Suppose your pup is still having some soft stool diarrhea with no blood but does have mucus, what I would do is go to the vet and get a fecal test done not just for worms but because this has been an issue. I would look at PCR test for other things like c – diff, or campylobacter and make sure that these are not a problem. This is where you may have to start looking if fecal test and a PCR test for a bacterial infection is normal and then this is where you also have to start looking at what your pup’s eating and what’s going. What I would do is wait on the supplements with the exception of probiotics and look at Phyto spore. I would also look at adding in a probiotic and then getting things normal and back to a more balanced diet. So, see how that goes. But I would definitely make sure that there’s none some sort of a bacterial infection present that’s creating the symptoms

5. What should be done when your pup is having a urinary tract infection?

Assuming your pup has had a multiple multitude of issues with pneumonia, and then they’re suddenly having a urinary tract infection; First thing is that, if that is not helped, I would want you to make sure that a urine culture and sensitivity was done to make sure that things are working. If there is a bacterial infection that the correct antibiotic was given.

6. What are the things that are helpful for a bladder infection?

For bladder infection, cranberries are okay. The other thing that is super helpful is d – mannose – a sugar that seems to help kill both e – coli and pseudomonas bacteria which are very common causes of urinary tract infection. It also seems to reduce inflammation in the bladder wall and prevent further issues. So, I would first make sure to get a culture and sensitivity so the correct one is being treated if there are bacteria present and then I if this has not been done, I would also get an ultrasound of the bladder to make sure there’s not something there that’s potentially more sinister.